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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Resident Evil : Survivor System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-11-12 13:08:49 Views : 21862 Street Fighter poster Look around in Lott's room. There is Street Fighter poster on one of the walls. Easy kills: Aim for the neck/head area for a easier kill and to waste less ammunition. Scoring: Hit average percent = score (for example, 75%=75 points). Time (minutes): 0-60 = 100 points, with a 1 point deduction for every minute over 60. Monsters killed: Killing165+ monsters scores 100 points with a 1 point deduction for kill scores below total (for example 164 kills is a 99). Continues used: 0 = 100 points, 1 = 75 points, 2 = 50 points, 3 = 25 points, 4+ = 0 points. First aid spray use: 0 = 100points, 1 = 80 points, 2 = 60 points, 3 = 40 points, 4 = 20 points, 5 = 0 points. Death scene selection: Tyrant will kill three different people towards the end of the game, based on where you go in the second street area that leads to the hospital, library, and arcade. Select the arcade to have Tyrant kill the leader of the Umbrella Cleaners. Select the library to have Tyrant kill the mole informant. Select the hospital to have Tyrant kill the man hanging from the helicopter in the opening. Fastest sequence: The fastest way to go is Alley 1, Restaurant, Alley 2, Arcade, Sewer, Prison, Roof, Umbrella HQ, Gutter, Rott's house/Cable car, Forest, Mansion/Factory, Heliport. Defeating Neo Tyrant: If Neo Tyrant is far away enough, unload on him with the handgun shoots and reloads very fast. Never use any other guns. S rank: Complete the game in under an hour (100 points). Kill 165+ undead (100 points). Have a 70% hit ratio (70 points). Do not use continues (100 points). Do not use any first aid sprays (100 points). This will achieve a total of 470 points, which is between the target for an S rank, which is 450 to 500. See Nemesis: The report on destroyed Racoon City tells parts of the story from each game. Flip between the last two pages to find see a picture of the Nemesis tyrant from Resident Evil 3. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Resident Evil : Survivor cheat codes.
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